Csaba Apró

Electrical engineer, BSc.

/PCB Design/

Studies: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Liska József High School

City: Budapest

Date of Birth: 1993

Professional interests: embedded systems, microcontrollers

Hobbies: slackline, fishing, trial



"The most fun thesis is the law of conservation of problems."


After finishing high school, I did not have a clear path in my mind for university, so I stayed for a two-year long electrical technician training. During the training I have gained a lot of experience and practical knowledge and it became clear that I should not stop at the technician level. This is how I ended up at the electrical engineering major at BUTE, which is the best place to expand my knowledge towards the highest level. After struggling in the first few semesters I have found the field that inspired me the most, which is hardware and software development for embedded systems. I hope that everyone who reads this finds the field that inspires them the most and their work becomes their hobby.